
A lot and a lot more ;)


Soon to be 24 and few things I know for sure

Soon to be 24 means 2 days to go and I will be a year older. We spend our lives understanding ourselves along with understanding the world. We understand somethings very early while others take time and still no one knows if a person is able to understand herself completely before reaching the final destination.

So far I have understood a few definite things about me.

1. I dislike people who make chewing noise while they eat.
2. I hate people who pass comments on some one's dressing or come and give unsolicited advice (Except the people from what not to wear)
3. I love dancing and it takes me to trance.
4. I keep on thinking about something or the other while I am walking and so I look kind of lost.

Well, the list will go on and on... But this blog is intended to be mostly about appearance.

As a kid, my parents never advised me about dressing up. I used to wear whatever I liked. I watched too many shows and had understood the concept of dress for the occasion. (To add to it I had got a lecture about dress for the occasion from my brother while I was in 6th standard)

The point is I am ME and I CANNOT dress for you and if there is anyone I can dress for it is just ME :)

I love all kinds of clothes and as we say dress according to the occasion, place and time I believe in wearing a swimwear to the beach (No I am not talking about Porbandar read it as GOA or some awesome beaches where one can actually swim). I will wear a saree on Diwali, Holi Puja and other such festivals, Chania choli for Navratri and sangeets in weddings, Capri/shorts/shirts on normal days and jeans/formals whatever is the dress code at work. Yes I missed Salwar kameez, it depends on mood, I will wear it when I feel like. But I will like to do all this according to my wish and not because I am told to.

For guys it is simple and they do not have much to think while they dress. But trust me guys it means a world to girls and stopping them from expressing themselves is not fair. I believe not many girls nag about their guy's clothes.

Anyway, I have understood that I am a rebel if you order me to do something. I will do the complete opposite in some cases and might be not in others. The bottom line is if this is my life let me live it my way because I won't let you live it your way.

Here is the song I danced on this morning. Enjoy !!


Soon to be 24 & this is all I know about me

A person has so many personalities inside herself. Most of the people either eventually discover which one is dominating or they force themselves to fit into one. But there are third kind of people who are confused. 

I have heard many people saying that they do not have a dark side. I really do not know, I really do not understand and I really do not believe in this. I have known myself for 21 years (I do not remember much of the first 2 years of my life) and still I do not know what is my personality.

I have seen goths only on tv, I have seen some crazy pierced and tattooed people and I have seen some bubbly, charming talkative people. Then there are some competitive ones, some who talk less , some who are lost in their own world and some big time gossipers. I am sure many of you will easily classify yourself in one of these categories or may be you would be sure of your type.

I on the other side think I have many types of personalities in me and all are dominating at different point of time. I love to be Goth, the makeup the music and the calmness that they have. There was a point of time when I had only black and grey clothes. But then with time I felt more colourful. I started liking PINK! I could not believe it. Then I discovered that though I was very talkative, I loved to be quite and a 9 day of silence proved it. I love non-violence but still there are people I have hit (with reasons of course) and well, I am a hard hitter.

So I believe my journey to find myself is still on. I hope one day I will find myself. In the end I just want to know is it just me or you too are in search of yourself??